On Thursday, 03/20/2008 at 03:26 EDT, David Booher 
> Here's the weirdest thing of all, I changed the NAME of the virtual 
machine in 
> z/VMs directory and IPL'd again and I haven't had a problem yet (but I 
> lowered the memory size from 1GB to 512Mb).
> Does a virtual machine's CP control blocks survive LOGON/LOGOFF of the 
> machine?  I'm wondering if all that ATTaching and DETaching wrecked 
> in CP in relation to this guest [kind of a longshot, I know].

No, CP doesn't remember anything about you (e.g. SET SHARE) after you 
logoff.  If anything you did had an effect, it was most likely the 
1GB->512MB change.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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