Thanks, Tom, I appreciate it. However, I would prefer not to
have to run NTP clients in each of the Linux images due to
the overhead that can produce.

I think the point of confusion here is, at least to me, that
the z10 technical overview document seems to imply that STP
will be used to synchronize the time across LPARs and that
PR/SM will (gradually) update the hardware TOD clock in each
LAPR of a system and across systems, so that all of the
hardware clocks are kept in sync. My question is: what
happens if z/VM is running on one of those LPARs and PR/SM,
under the covers, keeps updating z/VM's hardware TOD clock?

Or am I completely missing the point here about what STP and
NTP client features are supposed to provide?


----- Original Message Follows -----
From: Thomas Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: z/VM, NTP, and the z/10.
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 11:49:55 -0500

> I don't think that IBM has announced the ability for z/VM
> to update its clock on the fly with input from an STP/NTP
> service. SLES10, however, can use an external NTP source
> to update its own clock (separate from the z/VM
> supervisor). I do this because our hobbit server will
> complain (softly but complain) when my z/VM based linux
> systems are 3 seconds different from the network source
> that the hobbit server got its time from. 
> /Tom Kern
> On Wed, 21 May 2008 11:44:28 -0500, Dave Jones
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >A client has just
> installed a z10 system, with the STP server and NTP client
> >support enabled. In one LPAR there is z/OS 1.9 running
> and exploiting an >external time reference to keep it's
> LPAR time accurate. With the new z/10 >STP and NTP client
> functions available, can the time in the z/VM LPAR also
> >be kept in sync with the time in the z/OS LPAR? If so,
> could this also be >used to keep Linux guests' time in
> sync as well? >
> >Many thanks for your *time* in help me understand
> this....:-) >
> >DJ

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