On Tuesday, 05/27/2008 at 09:41 EDT, "Hilliard, Chris" 

> I?m wrapping up the install of DFSMS/VM?yikes?not the most intuitive 
install I?
> ve ever done.  Anyway, one of the installation steps calls for making 
the DFSMS 
> 1B5 minidisk publicly accessible.  How do you do this short of including 
a link 
> for it in each user directory entry?  Is there some sort of ?link list? 
> facility like there is in z/OS?

Oh, and I forgot to mention that authorizing the disk to be publicly 
available does not automatically cause a LINK to be issued.  This is 
normally handled by placing the LINK statement in a directory profile in 
USER DIRECT that gets INCLUDEd.  See "Creating directory profiles" in 
Chapter 17 of the CP Planning and Admin book.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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