To make that disk PUBLIC these days, I would give it a Read-Password of A
(or set appropriate rules in your ESM product of choice) and put an entry

for it in a USERPROD NAMES file on the Y-Disk. These steps should allow a
user to issue the 'VMLINK DFSMS_nickname' command and get the minidisk
linked and accessed. Inside the USERPROD NAMES entry you can specify the
virtual address and access mode that you want to be used. 

If you then want ALL users to get the minidisk automatically (I don't kno
why, but you might) then you can put that VMLINK command into your SYSPRO
EXEC extension.

/Tom Kern

On Tue, 27 May 2008 09:40:48 -0400, Hilliard, Chris
>I'm wrapping up the install of DFSMS/VM...yikes...not the most intuitive

>install I've ever done.  Anyway, one of the installation steps calls for

>making the DFSMS 1B5 minidisk publicly accessible.  How do you do this
>short of including a link for it in each user directory entry?  Is there

>some sort of "link list" facility like there is in z/OS?

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