>        Is there a method of also trapping the "message"
> that shows when a file is sent to the VM reader?
> I need it to issue the RECEIVE properly. In the HELP WAKEUP
>  it seems that setting the various message
> types to IUCV should work, but it doesn't seem to do that,

Well ... everyone was saying "use WAKEUP" and that's good advice, but I
prefer to start with Pipelines.  Pipes would catch all those messages you're
interested in.

Your EXEC would look something like ...

/* REXX */

And then MYTHING REXX might begin as ...

/* REXX */
Do Forever
  'PEEKTO RECORD'   /* examine the record, but do not consume it */
  If rc ^= 0 Then Leave
  /* parse the variable "record" and figger things out */
  'READTO'   /* now consume that record and loop to get another */

You can do all of this with WAKEUP.  The calling semantics are different.

-- R; <><

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