Mike Walter wrote:
Dunno, I'm not an IP (or networking) Wizard, either. Not sure what else might be able to be gathered, but at least TCPIP knows what port was being attacked. Great minds will think of more. Perhaps information for that IP address obtained from NETSTAT CONN? Wizards will think of more.

Anything else it could provide could be useful in tracking down the offending attacker, and preparing them for a public hanging. ;-)
There's about a usdebtillion books about this sort of thing, e.g. http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596003234/index.html

Welcome to the Unix world.

Jack J. Woehr            # "Self-delusion is
http://www.well.com/~jax #  half the battle!"
http://www.softwoehr.com #  - Zippy the Pinhead

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