The return code -5 is does NOT always happen on a disk full

I have an exec FTP2HOME that does 450+ FTPs to users' homes drives.

It creates a <userid> VMFTP macro on a VDISK and then invokes VMFTP to
exec it.  The FTP2HOME EXEC creates and runs 384 macros before it
gets a -5 RC.  There were numerous -5 RCs after that one.  I
discovered from logs that the -5 occurred often after the first one
occurred, always far along in the process.

I did the same FTP commands manually on the user who first got the
-5.  It worked! Then I ran all of the remaining macros with VMFTP
and there were no more -5 RCs.

I run this process at 3:00 am every day with essentially the same
files (class lists for faculty) and this morning there were NO -5 RCs.

However I did receive some RC=550 indicating no space.

Could it be a storage corruption problem?  It seems that whatever
causes the first -5 continues to do so.

/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 45 years
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  +1.724.738.2153
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"

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