On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 08:20:58 -0500 Nick Laflamme said:
>I'll put $5 on "Fran's talking to two different kinds of FTP servers," please.
>If I'm wrong, I'll pay the $5 the next time I'm at SCIDS.

Well if I knew what SCIDS is I would attend so I could collect :-).

All of the FTPs are going to the same network drive.  The command
line FTP responds with:

        ftp 10.1.nn.nn
        VM TCP/IP FTP Level 3A0
        Connecting to 10.1.nn.nn, port 21
        220 Microsoft FTP Service
        USER (identify yourself to the host):

I did have a hunch that I was overloading the FTP server so I have a
3 second delay between each VMFTP execution.  Maybe I should raise

/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 45 years
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://zvm.sru.edu/~fjh  +1.724.738.2153
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"

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