I can only echo what others, (particularly Richard Schuh, with his very 
good overview), has said.

We use VTAPE extensively and it really comes into it's own when you need a 
large number of concurrent drives and the data on the virtual tapes is 
small or indeterminate. Support from VSSI is absolutely "Gold standard".

We also use external virtual tape systems (both IBM & Sun/STK). The main 
advantage of these is sharing with non-VM systems. Integrating these did 
take more effort and understanding than with VTAPE - mainly because of 
shared cataloguing issues and, in the case of Sun/STK, the inability to 
drive mounts directly from VM.

For very small, local backups we may use virtual tapes for convenience but 
for any significant backups we use modern 40gb external tapes.

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

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