On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Bauer, Bobby (NIH/CIT) [E]
> We are an MVS shop setting up a Linux under VM pilot and need to have some 
> procedures in place for operations. We are trying to figure out how/where we 
> want the operators to have console access. Right now only the sys. progs. 
> have any access to VM and we use a telnet session from our desks to a VM user 
> id or use the HMC. Is there a master console we can setup for operations like 
> MVS? Should we setup a userid for the operators? Make them use the HMC?
> Is there another alternative I've not mentioned and don't know about?

I'd say the normal approach is to run PROP in the OPERATOR userid and
route important messages to a separate CMS user (the logical
operator).  With proper access that user could also browse the PROP
logging to see what happened. And it allows the logical operator (or
assigned others) to issue privileged commands via PROP.
You could also route the messages to a NetView console, but I think
that requires VTAM on VM so that may not be an option. There are also
separate products for VM to provide a full screen operator console. My
experience is that most shops can keep the number of unfiltered VM
messages small enough that a separate console is rarely justified.

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