Are you sure? In that case I must reopen my issue with IBM because it
doesn't work like that for me. And even IBM told me "works as designed".

When I issue a CP SIGNAL I must specify the time with the within option.
The linux machine will be logged off, either by itself within the
specified time or it is forced by CP when the specified time has passed.
If for any reason the linux guest will not shutdown, for instance
because some user is still logged on to the database, the machine might
as well be forced by the operator with the same result. And the same is
true for a VSE guest. And even for VM itself. If you signal a VM, either
CP SIGNAL for a guest or a signal from the hardware, VM will shutdown
without any concern for the guests running in that VM.

In the case of a shutdown exec, I tried to set it up some time ago. I
noticed that a linux guest or a guest VM would be forced whenever it
took too long. And I even didn't try it for my VSE guests. So yes, using
SIGNAL will help to shutdown your VM but do not expect your linuxguests
to survive the proces. If they are forced you could end up with
filesystem errors that will prevent an IPL the next time. And what about
a batch job that is forced and will leave you with a database corruption?

So I removed the idea of SIGNAL, both from the exec and from my mind.
Now we issue a "shutdown -h" on the guest and wait for the guest to log
off. If it didn't before a set time the VM shutdown is stopped and the
operator must investigate why the guest isn't logged off yet.

Regards, Berry.

Davis, Larry schreef:
> If you use the signal facility the Linux image will shutdown and VM
> will wait for it to shutdown prior to completing VM's own shutdown
> process.
> Larry
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *On Behalf Of *Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:41 PM
> *Subject:* Need some help with REXX EXEC
> Hi
> I am trying to write a REXX exec to shutdown my z/Linux guests. I am
> having trouble figuring out a couple of things:
>   'MAKEBUF'                                                           
>    RC = 0                                                             
>  'WAKEUP (IUCVMSG QUIET'                /* MESSAGE HAS ARRIVED */     
>   PARSE PULL MSG                  /*    GET RETURNED MESSAGE*/        
>  /* PARSE VAR MSG TYPE F1 F2 MSGID F3 GUEST REST */                   
>   IF RC = 6 THEN                                                      
>  /*IF RC = 5 & TYPE = '*CP', */                                       
>  /*  & (MSGID = 'HCPSIG2113I'| MSGID = 'HCPSIG2112I') THEN */         
>     DO                                                                
> First, I am not seeing the Shutdown message coming back to the BUFFER
> (MAKEBUF). I would like to parse the message to make sure it is the
> message I am looking for. I did a QUEUED on the BUFFER and there was
> nothing on the STACK. Any ideas why or even if this message should/is
> not coming back to the BUFFER?
> Second, After I receive the HCPSIG2112I message that says the guest
> has been shutdown, and I check and it has, but instead of dropping
> into the code it just sits there in RUNNING and I need to hit the
> ENTER key to get going again. Is there something I need or can do to
> simulate the ENTER KEY.
> Note: All of the code is not shown here!
> //Thank You,//
> //Terry Martin//
> //Lockheed Martin - Information Technology//
> //z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning//
> //Cell - 443 632-4191//
> //Work - 410 786-0386//

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