On Thu, 30 Oct 2008, Marcy Cortes wrote:
> Unless you have rigid change control processes and approval that takes
> longer than actually doing the change!

I know what you mean.

> Argh - if I divided it into CP , CMS, and TCPIP, that's 3x7 systems or
> 21 change items to get in and approved.  It'd take 6 months of weekends
> (given change freeze periods)!

But we find that on the test systems, being able to mix is vital.
And we ALWAYS run the latest release on the test systems first.

Also, for those rare (none in my recollection at my current POB)
situations where some app gets heartburn over the latest CMS (or TCP/IP
or whatever), the ability to fall back one or two virtual machines
is a huge plus for running z/VM.

So ... incremental evolution of our environments is a good thing,
when controlled by the Creators and their Holy Agents (sys progs).

-- R;   <><

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