Google turned up:
TRANS13 Error Writing File to Host: File Transfer Canceled
Explanation: Host program has detected an error in the data file during 
the Send operation.
User Action: Retry. If problem persists, call your host personnel.
Some listed the same Explanation for a "Receive" operation. 

Editing the IND$FILE MODULE  and searching for '13' also turned up: 13 
Error writing file to host: file transfer canceled   $ 

Google also showed a number of different terminal emulators displaying 
TRANS13.  One of them referred to the difference between CUT (Control Unit 
Terminals) and DFT (Distributed Function Terminals) terminals (if I 
remember those acronyms correctly).  Which are you using?

Often, the descriptions were for PC to MVS/TSO.  Most referred to the DCB 
being wrong (LRECL, RECFM, and for MVS, BLKSIZE).  What are the DCB specs 
for the file being transferred?

Can you provide the exact command you are using?  If it's from a GUI, then 
check the CMS command buffer for the previous command immediately after 
the failure. You can do that by issuing: SET PF07 RETRIEVE BACKWARD
and the pressing PF7 twice.  The first press will display the SET command. 
 The second should show the IND$FILE command with all its arguments.

That may provide a little bit more useful information.
Mike Walter 
Hewitt Associates 
Any opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not necessarily 
represent the opinions or policies of Hewitt Associates.

"Horlick, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
12/04/2008 01:40 PM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>



My client is still having problems with using IND$FILE over TCP/IP for VM 
and CA-TPX. This does not occur with SNA. I have opened an issue with CA 
and they can?t see the problem and the client is supposed to be dealing 
with MicroFocus regarding the PC component of this puzzle (ProClient).
The client has asked me about TN3270E and claims that the Cisco Router 
7505 that he uses for SNA connectivity to the mainframe has TN3270E 
installed. I explained that I don?t think that is an issue (he pointed to 
me to an IBM web-site stating that TN3270E is not available in TCP/IP for 
VM for terminals, just printers). He think maybe it is an issue.
Also, the file transfer works when he deselects extended attributes.
Any clue on how to get to the bottom of this? What exactly does a TRANS13 
error mean and how does IND$FILE communicate that info to the emulator so 
that a pop up window would appear with that error? Is it a return code 
from the IND$FILE module? Maybe I need to open an issue with IBM to help 
me understand IND$FILE and when this error message occurs? Of course, to 
complicate the issue, sometimes a file transfer works, sometimes it says 
it works but doesn?t actually create the file on the mainframe and 
sometimes he get the TRANS13 (but only moving a file from the PC to the 
mainframe and not the reverse). 
Why would something work in SNA and not TCP/IP when the same 3270 
datastream is sent to it?
Any nuggets of wisdom/advice would be appreciated.
Mike Horlick
CGI Montreal 

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