On Friday, 12/05/2008 at 03:20 EST, "Horlick, Michael" 

> I think I have tried different DLOGMOD's (NSX32705) and even asked them 
> configure as a Model 2 but still no go.

I would use D4A3290 to talk to an emulator in an SNA network, but that's 
just me.  The days of needing logmodes that explicitly described the model 
were interesting when there were devices at the other end that would obey 
them.  They don't.  Further, the explicit logmode prevents the host from 
issuing a QUERY.  What this means in the context of CA-TPX, I don't know.

With VM/VTAM in place, CA-TPX app will simply create an LU2 session to 
VSCS on VM.  It doesn't manipulate the data travelling back and forth, but 
simply acts as a proxy between the two LU-LU sessions.  (VM-CA:TPX and 

To use TN3270, CA-TPX has an LU2-TN3270 translator built into it.  It must 
extract the 3270 data stream from one end and repackage it for sending to 
the other.  This means that CA-TPX itself it the telnet client and is 
simply getting the data stream from the SNA 3270 emulator.  But CA-TPX is 
responsible to connect to the VM telnet server and negotiate the TN3270 
session.  This includes any TN3270E issues.

So, while the *emulator* may be sending the same things, CA-TPX may not. 
You need to compare the 3270 data stream that CA-TPX is sending to and 
receiving from VM.  (Getting the trace from CA-TPX is probably best.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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