>>> On 12/15/2008 at  1:38 PM, Ray Waters <ray.wat...@opensolutions.com> wrote: 
> Newbie to LINUX. I am trying to bring up SUSE for the first time under z/VM 
> 540. I have downloaded the SUSE LINUX for mainframes from NOVELL. Everything 
> worked as it should during the install, except I cannot PING 
> from my VM userid WATERSR running on the same z/VM 540 system.
> I think maybe my NETWORK PARMS are incorrect but do not know. The VSWITCH 
> seems fine. Any ideas why I cannot connect to LINUX? I tried using PUTTY and 
> could not connect. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Can you ping your default gateway from the Linux system?  If so, then see if 
you can do a traceroute to your desktop IP address from the Linux system.  If 
you can get to the next hop past your default gateway, then my first guess is 
that your firewalls aren't allowing incoming connections on FTP and SSH.

> COUPLE 340 SYSTEM VSWITCH1         (is this COUPLE needed???)

Technically speaking, no.  But, it doesn't hurt, and if at some point you are 
playing around testing something, and you decide (for whatever reason) to 
uncouple the NIC, then forget to re-couple it, this will save you some hassle.

>From the Linux system, what does "ifconfig" and "route -n" show?

Mark Post

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