We've talked about this before and I think that I mentioned or complained, at least 10 years ago, that SHUTDOWN should not have ever been permitted in any IBM program but CP.  SHUTDOWN is used in RSCS and, I think, PVM.  I know that I've SHUTDOWN CP "one" time when I thought I was talking to RSCS.  Every systems programmer with whom I have ever worked has shutdown CP "once".


Alan Altmark wrote:
On Friday, 02/20/2009 at 06:04 EST, Tom Duerbusch 
<duerbus...@stlouiscity.com> wrote:

1.  It is hard to accidently shutdown your production VM system from 
At one time, we have all shutdown the production VM system when we 
thought we 
were on test.

Good news is that z/VM 5.4 included a SYSTEM option on SHUTDOWN.   An 
option in SYSTEM CONFIG decides if it is required or optional.

If your test image and your production image have the same 
System_identifier, then you will find the safety net is there, but is 
laying directly on the ground.  Be careful.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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