It smells pretty good to me--within 15 miles of my 8 g'kids, dogwoods starting to bloom and daffodils out in full force.  Also, there's no smell of snow in the air.

Adam Thornton wrote:
On Feb 28, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Rick Troth wrote:

On Thu, 26 Feb 2009, Jim Bohnsack wrote:

There should be a "SHARE Economic Stimulus Plan" for the poor  
(and universities) who are cutting their budgets.  I live just  
north of
Dallas (Plano) and offered to pay my own transportation, meals, and
Motel 6 charges but the $1800 or so for the SHARE registration is a
show-stopper, according to my manager.  I still work for Cornell--I'm
just a longer walk to the computer room.

I'll be sticking my nose out the door to catch the southern breezes  
come up from Austin next week.

Somehow "southern breezes" and Austin just don't paint
that pretty of a picture, Jim.  I know you wanna be there,
and I don't blame you, but ... eeewwwwww.

It is still an improvement over Plano's natural scent.



Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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