I cannot say enough good about how Endicott implemented OpenVM ... now
some 15+ years ago.  The way the POSIX info is rolled into the CP Dir
is spot on.  There are issues, notably performance concerns and a
gross lack of attention (thanks to the distracting popularity of Linux
on VM).  But the core features of POSIX on VM are truly outstanding.

Okay ... but it is still a little weird for old CMS hacks.  Sorry.  I
see you've gotten some good recommendations, better than I could give
(not knowing the SSL server, though I do know BFS a little).  The
"object does not exist" message sounds like the directory over which
GSKKYMAN wants to mount the filespace is simply not there.  If you did
not fully populate the OpenVM stuff, then yeah, a lot of stuff could
be missing which is assumed (in Unix) to always be present.

A good pre-req test would be to confirm that

        openvm shell

works, prior to adding any other products to BFS land.  You could then

        ls -la /etc

from that shell and see if "gskadm" actually exists.

So ... just addressing this one error message, when a filespace (other
than the root) gets mounted, the mount point directory must already
exist.  (Should typically be empty.)

And, of course, all this stuff is CaSe SeNsItIvE.

I hope this helps.

-- R;   <><

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Jim Bohnsack <jab...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> I have a dumb question and a long posting.  Sorry.  We have SSLSERV working
> on our 2nd lvl z/VM 5.4 system, the one I loaded from the IBM DDR.  I always
> bring up a new release on a 2nd level id and then move code piece by piece
> to our production systems.  Almost everything is moved, but I am up against
> a brick wall with SSLSERV.  I think it is a problem with BFS and my total
> lack of knowledge about BFS.  I've never used BFS, so I suspect that I'm
> just missing something very obvious to anyone who knows anything at all
> about BFS.
> The GSKADMIN and SSLSERV userid's are defined along with the RACF SECURITY
> class as it was in the RACF db from IBM.  GSKADMIN and SSLSERV are connected
> to SECURITY.  I've done the "rac alu sslserv ovm(uid(7))", "rac alu gskadmin
> ovm(uid(6))", and "rac alg security ovm(gid(7))".  The directory entries for
> GSKADMIN and SSLSERV have the following POSIXINFO entries, respectively:
> Where I seem to be having a problem is in following the step by step
> procedures in chapter 20 of TCP/IP Plng and Cust.  Step 4B sends me to Ch 15
> of the TCPIP LDAP Admin. Guide.  When I logon to GSKADMIN to use GSKKYMAN to
> create a new database, I get the messages:
> Profile..: Setting up BFS environment...
>   Profile..: Determining what is currently mounted...
>      Nothing is mounted
> Profile..: Mounting root file system...
>    Profile..: Mounting GSKSSLDB file space at: /etc/gskadm/
>       Object does not exist: '/etc/gskadm/'
>          Profile--> Unexpected error from command: OPENVM MOUNT
> /etc/gskadm/
> Profile..: RC = 28
>   Ready; T=0.04/0.07 09:16:20
> which I guess are reasonable because I haven't created the database yet.
> GSKKYMAN gives me the database menu and my replies are as follows:
> Enter key database name (press ENTER to return to menu):
>  /etc/gskADM/KeyDBT.kdb
>  Enter database password (press ENTER to return to menu):
> Re-enter database password:
>                                                                   Enter
> password expiration in days (press ENTER for no expiration):
>                                                             Enter database
> record length (press ENTER to use 5000):
>                                                   Unable to create database
> /etc/gskADM/KeyDBT.kdb.                         Status 0x0335303f - Database
> open failed.
>                                         Press ENTER to continue.
> This is the point, above, where the results are different from doing this on
> the 2nd lvl system from IBM.
> DTCPARMS has the following :nick.SSL entry:
> :nick.SSL       :type.class
>   :name.SSL daemon
> :command.VMSSL                                                 :runtime.C
>                                                   :diskwarn.YES
>                                   :Admin_ID_list.JAB282 MAB GSKADMIN
>                     :memory.256M
>       :mixedcaseparms.YES                                           :mount.
> /../VMBFS:VMSYS:ROOT/      /     ,
> /../VMBFS:VMSYS:SSLSERV/   /tmp  ,
> /../VMBFS:VMSYS:GSKSSLDB/  /etc/gskadm
> I'm sure that what is wrong to anyone who knows anything about BFS, but that
> excludes me.  I would appreciate any help.
> Jim
> --
> Jim Bohnsack
> Cornell University
> (972) 596-6377 home/office
> (972) 342-5823 cell
> jab...@cornell.edu

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