On 3/22/09 3:31 PM, "Alan Altmark" <alan_altm...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Sorry, David, that would just make things worse since we'd keep shipping a
> new CONFIG filepool in each release as we do with VMSYS and VMSYSU, and
> then there would be two *global* CONFIG filepools in the collection.  Two
> objects would attempt to occupy the same space and one would be
> annihilated.  "There can be only one."

Guess the automated filepool generation tool is still off the table? I think
we've had that conversation before....

OTOH, what's to prevent you from shipping it with a release specific name
(like you do with volsers on the boot system) like VnnnCFG and then
documenting the SCOMDIR NAMES incantation to switch individual virtual
machines on a case by case basis using a mechanism like you do with TCPRUNX.
As you keep telling me, that's the way to alias generics to specific names
on a local and global basis.

At some point, IBM has got to bite the bullet and put configuration
information OUTSIDE areas that are part of product code, and be really
systematic about it. Having stuff in tons of different places is really
starting to be a PITA for configuration management.

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