On Friday, 03/20/2009 at 09:29 EDT, Jim Bohnsack <jab...@cornell.edu> 
> Thank you all for your responses.  It sounds as if it is as I suspected,
> a total lack of knowledge about BSF and almost as much of a lack of
> knowledge about SFS.  It might be a good idea to include some of these
> SFS/BFS peculiar hints or ideas in the TCPIP doc, especially for the VM
> newbie (as well as for the old timer who still carries a pocket full of
> 5081 cards--for you kids, a 5081 card is an "IBM punched card").

It's worth pointing out, too, that with certificates and private keys 
being held in BFS, it becomes a more valuable chunk of data than in prior 
decades.  (For those who didn't use it for anything else.)

You might find it worth the effort to create your own SFS filepool so that 
release-to-release migrations don't create a disruption since you have to 
actually migrate VMSYS content.   With your own global filepool, your 2nd 
level system can down to the 1st level system (via TSAF) to pick up the 
BFS filesystem.   If there is a need to migrate a prior release's database 
content to a new database for any reason, we will be very clear on that 
point in the Migration Guide.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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