In this new redbook we do indeed recommend to create a special
filepool as storage space for the certificates and the LDAP databases,
this to avoid problems with release migrations.  The principle:
customer data in your filepool; software in IBM's VMSYS.  This is
definitely not the way things are explained in the TCP/IP manual, then
everything goes in VMSYS.

We detail the required steps, to create the new filepool; what to
change in the LDAP setup, what to mount to run gskkyman, ...

2009/3/22 Alan Altmark <>
> On Sunday, 03/22/2009 at 03:17 EDT, David Boyes <>
> wrote:
> > Sounds like a good practice for the next release. Call it CONFIG or
> > something like that, and fix the apps like DFSMS to put their config
> > files there by default.
> Sorry, David, that would just make things worse since we'd keep shipping a
> new CONFIG filepool in each release as we do with VMSYS and VMSYSU, and
> then there would be two *global* CONFIG filepools in the collection.  Two
> objects would attempt to occupy the same space and one would be
> annihilated.  "There can be only one."
> If you don't want IBM to touch it, you need to create it.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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