With all due respect to Kris, I generally prefer to use SPXTAPE to dump and load the DCSS's.  DCSSBKUP does not preserve the original date of the DCSS, which I think is very valuable.  SPXTAPE DUMP and LOAD does. 

Just my preference.


Kris Buelens wrote:
You can reinstall the old VSAM tape if you still have ity and can read it.

Or, the way I'd work:
 - use DCSSBKUP to store CMSVSAM and CMSAMS saved segments in a CMS file
 - use Q NSS CMSxxxx MAP to have the stage defintions
 - on 5.4 issue DEFSEG CMSxxxx to create the skeletons usin,g the
addresses found above
 - copy these files to the 5.4 system and use DCSSRSAV to create new
saved segments
When these segments are in a segment SPACE, the DEFSEG commands are a
bit complex, surely if CMSDOS and CMSBAM are included in that SPACE,
you'd have to use the SAMERANGE parameter to copy the new CMSBAM and
CMSDOS into the space.  Here's my layout:
1611 DOSBAM   DCSS-S     N/A    00900  00AFF   --
1612 CMSBAM   DCSS-M     N/A    0090D  00937   SR
1610 CMSDOS   DCSS-M     N/A    00900  0090C   SR
1604 CMSVSAM  DCSS-M     N/A    00994  009FF   SR
                                00A00  00A80   ER
                                00AF0  00AFF   EW
1607 CMSAMS   DCSS-M     N/A    00938  00993   SR
                                00AC0  00AEF   EW

That would be sufficient.  You would not be able to apply fixes (but
there are no more), nor to change the the address of the CMSVSAM or
CMSAMS segments.
You could also copy the minidisks/SFS dirs of the VSAM install user,
and all  "5686081A *" found on MAINT 51D (e.g. the PPF) into the 5.4
system, and you'd have everything and you can rebuild the saved
segments using VMSES "following the book".  No tape required.

2009/5/20 jose raul baron <jba...@calculo-sa.es>
Hi, list.

We are currently considering to migrate from z/VM 4.4 to z/VM 5.4 but we
have an issue:
We still have critical applications that use VSE/VSAM 6.1 and the questio=

- Does VSAM still exist in z/VM 5.4 ?
- Is it perhaps included in the z/VM 5.4 code (e.g. as TCPIP) ?
- If not, is there any workaround way to keep on using our VSAM applicati=
(e.g. installing the VSAM 6.1 tape we received with z/VM 4.4) ?

Thanks in advance,

Raul Bar=F3n
Dpto. Sistemas

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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