I don't remember a VM/370 1401 emulator. I supported IBM customers that were running 1401 support under DOS/360, but now I can't remember what it was called. It required, I think, a hardware feature on the S/360-30. I think I remember that there was a 1410 emulator that ran under DOS, probably on a 360-40. Was there a separate VM/370 1401 emulator or were you just running DOS or DOS/VS under VM/370?

What was the name of that DOS 1401 emulator? The old core memory is getting a little rusty, maybe a lot rusty.


David Boyes wrote:
One shop I worked at ran the VM/370 1401 emulator for well over 20 years af=
ter IBM withdrew it from marketing, faithfully paying the maintenance charg=
e year after year. It would have cost a fraction of that price to just rewr=
ite the darn application, but Not In My Control....

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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