On Tuesday, 05/26/2009 at 05:33 EDT, Mark Bodenstein <m...@cornell.edu> 

> Thanks for your suggestion Thomas, but since the DIAL happens (or 
> happen) after the session is established I'm not sure how SCEXIT would 
> I tried to download RXLDEV as mentioned in David Boyes note, but the 
VMARC file 
> was malformed.  :-(

I don't think an SCEXIT will help you.  I would replace the code running 
in the "SNA" virtual machine with a tiny VM system that has logons 
disabled (overkill, but doesn't require extra software!).  The logo would 
have only a command line pre-filled with "UNDIAL" and

  To access System 1, telnet into system1.cornell.edu
            System 2,             system2.cornell.edu
   Press ENTER to return to the vmsystem.cornell.edu logo

  ==> UNDIAL

or some variation on that theme.  Of course, if you can get the RXLDEV 
working, that's simpler.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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