On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Mark Bodenstein <m...@cornell.edu> wrote:

> I previously looked at PIPE FULLSCREEN but was a little daunted at having to
> create a 3270 data stream.  (I was also hoping that somebody had something
> coded already that we could use.)  I just took another look and there's a
> sample in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN that does what we want.

Writing to the terminal should be the least of your problems. The
plumber's nightmare here is that you can't fullscr to a GRAF when it
is not yet dialed into. There's nothing in the pipeline now that will
help you to recognize that someone knocked on the door. And polling
undialed devices does not match my desire for elegance. You could used
an external command like WAKEUP ( IO but that prevents the pipeline
from having an actual conversation with the other terminals dialed-in.

Rob (talking to the Piper right now to see if he could be inspired to
add this function)

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