Changing the MSG10 screen while we still have VM VTAM is a good idea. AND we want something for afterwards that will direct users to helpful information.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions!

Mark Bodenstein  (
Cornell University

At 01:30 PM 5/27/2009, Tom Duerbusch wrote:
The easiest way of doing this, and perhaps the less costly, is to keep the license for VM/VTAM an extra month or two and use MSG10 to inform them.

After that, it's the help desk problem <G>.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

(RIP Grey Stripe, a great cat and my buddy for, just shy of 19 years)

>>> Mark Post <> 5/27/2009 12:07 PM >>>
>>> On 5/26/2009 at  6:08 PM, Alan Altmark <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 05/26/2009 at 05:54 EDT, Mark Post <> wrote:
>> So, why don't you just update the message put out in MSG10 to say what
> you want?
> That won't work if he gets rid of VTAM!  :-)

My reading was that he was trying to provide a transition period for his users.

Mark Post

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