No real trick to it.

First, make sure you have everything setup properly on the FTP server.

On the same VM as your FTP server, log on to CMS, and try a FTP.  
This makes sure your FTP server is setup properly.

Then, on the same VM as you are doing the Linux install, logon to CMS
and try the FTP.
If successful, you have a good server and good communications.

As installed, the FTP server is not configured for what you want to
The following is a snipit of the changes I have to make:

Install vsFTPd ftp server
        Must be done to be an install server.
        When done, don’t need winscp for FTP transfers, but it will
still work.

        Network Services
        Network Services (xinetd)
                ftp: edit
                        vsftpd:  continue (to install vsftpd)
                        ok (installed successfully)
                        (enable) service is active
joe /etc/vsftpd.conf
comment out: Listen=YES
        eliminates 500 OOPS:  count not bind listening IPv4 sockets
write_enable =yes

save and exit

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting 

>>> <> 6/26/2009 2:44 PM >>>



We have successfully setup an OSA as a layer 2 network with the
vswitch and vlan.

We are having an issue with the build of a Linux guest defined for a
layer 2 network.


While the Linux build is starting it goes out to another Linux guest
another z/VM LPAR to download the binaries.


*** Error while accessing the FTP server: 
Failed to connect to FTP server


*** Could not find the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Installation

Activating manual setup program.


>>> Linuxrc v2.0.79 (Kernel <<<     


Has anyone ever successfully built a Linux guest under z/VM on a layer

Are there any tricks to get the installs to work?


The theory is that with the layer 2 network in place we will be able
move Linux guest from one z/VM to another and potentially move from
box to another box as long as the OSA's on them are connected to the
same layer 2 network and that the OSA's are defined the same so that
Linux guest can retain their IP address's no matter which box they are


Supposedly for load balancing and when maintenance is required on the
z/VM systems there will be minimal outages on the Linux guests.


Hopefully I have made some sense.



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