On Wednesday, 09/02/2009 at 06:53 EDT, "Schuh, Richard" <rsc...@visa.com> 
> I actually have to have a bunch of devices in the Ignored list. It is 
> that MVS disks, except for a special few used by the TPF developers, 
ever be 
> allowed online to the VM system. There are more that are ignored (4300+) 
> the total (1600 not counting TPF database disks, 3700 counting them) of 
> and offline disks.

Those disks should not be in your LPAR's I/O configuration in the first 
place.  Then they *can't* be brought online unless someone in charge of 
the I/O configuration adds them to your LPAR.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... "No, Your Honor, it's not possible for me 
or mine to accidentally destroy an MVS volume.  Exhibit C clearly shows 
that the device is not configured for my LPAR and is confirmed by that 
screen shot of QUERY DASD.  No sir, I don't have authority to change the 
I/O configuration.  Further, my HMC user ID is limited to activation and 
reactivation of the VM LPAR and I don't have HCD access.  Why?  Because 
it's Not My Job.  In my company, only people who have responsibility have 
the authority.  Pardon me, Your Honor?  You'll have to speak up - I can't 
hear you over the dramatic music.... Oh, no, Your Honor, we don't share 
the password to SYSPROG on the HMC!  That ID was deactivated and every 
person was issued their own ID.  Am I free to go, now?"

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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