Kris Buelens <> Wrote (in part) :-

> OTTOSCR is an old tool to make fullscreen CMS scroll, don't know if it
> still runs.


Thank you. I will certainly look at OTTOSCR. Even if it does not run "out 
of the box", it may give me a good basis to start from.

To explain a little more - what I am trying to do is quite simple really 
(but, as always,  with a couple of twists). This output screen will not 
need (and should not) wait for any input. The idea is that it will be 
monitored by external automation software looking for specific conditions 
and creating alerts. 

The userids generating the secuser output will, in fact, be TPF guests 
and, as the automation software already monitors the native TPF consoles 
(which scroll) then something that replicates this will eliminate the need 
for new monitoring routines being written.

The only complexity is that this will not be a 'real screen' but a soft 
virtual screen that is doing the monitoring. It is already working, sort 
of, with VM:Operator but there are some issues in the way it handles the 
screen that causes VM:Operator to run out of buffer memory after a couple 
of days (there are also display constraints). 

I really am looking to do something very simple.

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

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