I too just use the phone and try my best to explain the issue to a person who 
only thinks the/she has a complete understanding of the English language but 
really doesn't have a clue about what you are talking about...

Best you can do is get the PMR # and when some one calls you back and describes 
the issue as it was recorded just tell them that isn't what you called in about.

I surrender!

--- On Tue, 10/27/09, Michael Coffin <michaelcof...@mccci.com> wrote:

From: Michael Coffin <michaelcof...@mccci.com>
Subject: Fed-Up With IBM Support!
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 11:31 AM


know what, I recall a day when IBMLINK ran on 3270 terminals and when you 
entered search criteria on a problem you'd ONLY get VALID responses for your OS 
and problem (not 3,000,000 keyword hits 99.999999% of them having NOTHING to do 
with your OS or your problem!).  I recall a day when you would call IBM 
Software Support at 1-800-237-5511 (burned into my memory from over 20 years of 
calling), immediately connect to KNOWLEDGABLE professionals who could quickly 
help you identify if your problem was known/existing or open a new problem 
report, and this was all done in clear, easily understood 
we have IBMLink 2000, ServiceLink, Passport/Advantage, ShopzSeries, etc. etc. 
etc. etc.  Each of which seems to require its own userid/password 
combination, and none of which is "simple" or "easy" to use!
have spent the past TWO HOURS trying to open a software support ticket using 
IBM.com, and am now going to GIVE UP and use the phone the "old fashioned 

  sign in to "IBMLINK 2000" using my userid and password.
  searched for any records associated with my existing problem (TCPIP abending, 
  FWIW) - no recent hits.
  tried to open a Service Request.  That takes you to a screen where you 
  have to enter your "IBM ID" and password, which is not your "IBMLINK ID" and 
  call the IBMLINK Help Desk at 1-800-543-3912 to figure out WHAT IBM ID it is 
  asking for.  They take my name and phone number and tell me "someone will 
  call you back".  I guess it would be TOO efficient to let me talk to 
  someone immediately! 
  Someone from IBM (IBMLINK Help Desk) calls me back.  We walk 
  through the exact same process I went through above until I am asked for my 
  "IBM ID" again.  He looks it up and tells me what it is.  I enter 
  THAT id and password only to have the website come back and tell me I'm not 
  authorized to do anything (even though I am the ONLY registered user on this 
  account!).  I ask him to fix the account.  He tells me I need to 
  call the Software Support Help Desk at 1-800-426-7378, options 2-2.  
  call the Software Support Help Desk using the options provided.  We very 
  quickly discover this is NOT the right number to call for problems with 
  "Passport/Advantage".  It's the software defect support numbe (e.g. what 
  formerly was on 800-237-5511).   The IBM'er gives me that phone 
  call IBM Passport/Advantage Help Desk at 1-800-978-2246.  I describe my 
  problem to the IBMer.  He tells me IBM Passport/Advantage does not 
  provide Help over the phone and that I must go to 
www.ibm.com/software/support to 
  get the problem with my Passport/Advantage account authorizations 
  I go 
  to www.ibm.com/software/support - 
  this is not a web page to request Passport/Advantage support!  It's yet 
  another "search" page!  The only reference to Passport/Advantage on this 
  page is under "Buying and managing support", which is basically a page to 
  convince you to buy Passport/Advantage!!!
give up!
crying out loud IBM, can't you have a SINGLE sign-on for a customer to be able 
to access ALL of the services/entitlements that they've paid for?  Why do I 
need an IBMLINK id/pw, an "IBM" (presumably Passport/Advantage - although 
NOT what I'm prompted to enter!) id/pw, a "ShopzSeries" id/pw!  And when 
all of these accounts get out of synch, how about ONE support phone number with 
ONE knowledgable professional who can RESOLVE the problem FULLY, instead of 
bouncing customers around from phone number to phone number, ultimately being 
directed to a web page that doesn't exist!  Geez!!!
folks, I just had to vent............. !!!


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