>No, I mean that when sending a command to a different node, the RSCS CRI
>acts exactly like the FOR command. Instead of capturing the response and
>returning it with the CRI headings, it gives the user an immediate rc=0
>and allows the responses to be returned as asynchronous messages from
>the other node. In other words, using CRI to send a command to another
>node is a useless exercise.
>Try using CRI to send a very simple command to another node, something
>like CP QUERY TIME if the other node is VM or $DA if z/OS. Then try doing
>the equivalent command on the local node and you will see the difference.
>On the local node, the responses are returned dressed in their full CRI
>regalia, instead of being asynchronous messages.=20

RSCS does not use underlying CP facilities when sending a command from
one node to another.  Instead, NJE protocols are used for the command
and response.  The command complete from RSCS is for the MSG/CMD command,
not whatever is bundled within MSG or CMD.  The only time RSCS would
issue CP FOR (or CP FORWARD) is if a user actually issued this via the
RSCS CP command.
The RSCS CRI behavior should not have changed with z/VM 5.3, it should
be behaving the same way on older levels of z/VM.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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