q hsa
HSA storage currently available:
Starting address = 79000000, Ending address = 79FFFFFF
Starting address = 7A000000, Ending address = 7AFFFFFF
Starting address = 7B000000, Ending address = 7BFFFFFF
Starting address = 7C000000, Ending address = 7CFFFFFF
Starting address = 7D000000, Ending address = 7DFFFFFF
Starting address = 7E000000, Ending address = 7EFFFFFF
Starting address = 7F000000, Ending address = 7FFFFFFF
Total HSA storage available is 117440512 bytes or 28672 pages

That seems a lot to me.

2009/12/10 Gregg <reed.gr...@gmail.com>

> Perhaps, there wasn't enough memory to carve out HSA; for grins try CP Q
> HSA.  If there's none, and I would think you'd have gotten an
> error/informational message during the POR/CEC Activate, but if none, you'll
> need to reduce what's assigned.
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Kris Buelens <kris.buel...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> The following week(s) I won't have access to the HMC of this z800, so I
>> can't verify some of the suggestions.  But, I issued some other CP commands
>> that might help a bit to sched some light:
>> q dyn stor
>> Remaining Channel Subsystem Resources for Dynamic I/O Changes:
>> Number of Subchannels for Unshared Paths:  0
>> Number of Control Units:                   0
>> Number of Unshared Channel Paths:          0
>> Number of Subchannels for Shared Paths:    0
>> Number of Shared Channel Paths:            0
>> Ready; T=0.01/0.01 17:19:43
>> This is troubling me a bit: there is no more storage, or is this caused by
>> that CP cannot use the dynamic config stuff:
>> set dyn on
>> System is now enabled for dynamic I/O changes
>> Ready; T=0.01/0.01 17:15:37
>> set configmode on
>> HCPCCO6808E System disabled for dynamic I/O changes
>> HCPCCO6808E The dynamic I/O support was disabled at the
>> HCPCCO6808E service console
>> Ready(06808); T=0.01/0.01 17:15:54
>> 2009/12/9 Ron Schmiedge <ron.schmie...@gmail.com>
>> Kris,
>>> I can't find anything in my notes, I will have to give myself a stern
>>> talking to.
>>> I think what happens is the IOCP generates a new VM token for you.
>>> Can't remember if I needed to delete the TOK entry or not, but I let
>>> nature take its course. I can see that IOCP puts in a token with the
>>> current date and time in the source. Once you bring up that IOCP it
>>> sets the VM token and they match the IOCP. Next time you do an IOCP
>>> the message goes away. And you can make dynamic changes once the token
>>> and IOCP match.
>>> Ron
>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Ron Schmiedge <ron.schmie...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Kris,
>>> >
>>> > We have a z800 with dynamic configuration enabled.
>>> > What does the TOK statement in the IOCP look like? I seem to recall
>>> > having to fiddle with that to get dynamic part working. Its been a
>>> > couple of years but I will see if I can find my notes.
>>> >
>>> > Ron
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Kris Buelens <kris.buel...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >> I'm working on an old z800 machine for backup Recovery, that is
>>> running in
>>> >> basic mode (no LPARs).  And SET CONFIGMODE ON fails:
>>> >> set configmode on
>>> >> HCPCCO6816E Dynamic I/O changes are not allowed on this system
>>> >> Ready(06816); T=0.01/0.01 16:12:18
>>> >>
>>> >> On the HMC, I turned on "allow dynamic I/O configuration changes" in
>>> the
>>> >> Activation profile, I performed a Power-on-Reset.  But still, it
>>> doesn't
>>> >> work.  The SYSTEM CONFIG file should be OK: during IPL, CP tells:
>>> >> 16:03:42 HCPZPQ6857I System is enabled for dynamic I/O changes
>>> >>
>>> >> When I write the IOCDS, I get an error about the token:
>>> >> IOCP L911QDIO ( WRTA0 DYN
>>> >> QUERY TOKEN command return code was: 6816
>>> >> Processing will continue with default token.
>>> >> 000    WARNING: 00000    ERROR: 00000
>>> >> ION: 00000    WARNING: 00000
>>> >> ION: 00000    WARNING: 00000
>>> >>
>>> >>                  TIME 16.57 DATE 09.342     PAGE 507
>>> >>
>>> >> TOTAL IOCP MESSAGES: 00001    INFORMATIONAL: 00001    CAUTION: 00000
>>> >>  00000    ERROR: 00000
>>> >> Ready; T=0.37/0.39 16:57:34
>>> >> query token
>>> >> HCPCCO6816E Dynamic I/O changes are not allowed on this system
>>> >> The target channel subsystem configuration token is:
>>> >> VM-TOKEN11/13/0910:42:28    ....11/13/0911:44:06
>>> >> Ready(06816); T=0.01/0.01 16:57:52
>>> >>
>>> >> What can be wrong?
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Kris Buelens,
>>> >> IBM Belgium, VM customer support
>>> >>
>>> >
>> Kris Buelens,
>> IBM Belgium, VM customer support
> --
> Gregg Reed
> "No Plan, survives execution"

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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