
You really do need to teach your users that SPOOL is not an archive :-) We only 
back up the SDFs, and we regularly remind the users that ordinary spool files 
are transient in nature and are not backed up. They have the resources to save 
files they want to keep, so we do not feel bad about it. Ordinary spool files 
are purged after 7 days, so spool is at best only short-term storage.  Even at 
that, it is usually in the 75-90% full range. There are 21 3390-03s devoted to 
regular files and SDFs and 2 3390-09s reserved for dumps.

Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Jeff Gribbin
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: Copy files changed by RSU

Franz Josef,
If you move your production SPOOL to dedicated volumes, along with your 
WARMSTART / CHECKPOINT areas then, unless the format of the SPOOL control 
blocks changes (a rare occurrence and one which is always flagged in the 
documentation when it happens) you shouldn't need to restore the SPOOL files. 
(Of course, I'd always advise taking a SPOOL backup - "just in case" but, with 
a separate SPOOL configuration I wouldn't expect / plan to need to use it!)


(P.S. Whenever I've had influence over such things I have always modified 
COPYFILE to default to OLDDATE - it's saved my bacon on several occasions!)

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