On 3/30/10 5:42 PM, "Chip Davis" <c...@aresti.com> wrote:

> Aside from the "run multiple OSes on the desktop" part, shouldn't we be
> insulted?

Oh, it gets better. Check this out (from the press release):

"Software System Award (sic) honors an institution or individual(s)
recognized for developing a software system that has had a lasting
influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance,
or both. This award carries a prize of $35,000. ***Financial support for the
award is provided by IBM <http://www.ibm.com/> .***" (emphasis mine)

Talk about someone that ought to know better.... Although I guess the out is
that it's a yearly award and the "commercial acceptance" clause is slick
enough to slide by. Then again, *how* many copies of PROFS were there? I
guess IBM can't give the prize to itself, though (for inventing the office
productivity suite).

-- db

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