Do you mean the zLinux running under zVM couldn't be used for performance 
testing purpose, even we dedicate one CPU to this guest machine?

From my point of view, I think it's reasonable... We just don't want to create 
a new LPAR with dedicate CPU. 

It's an interesting topic!  If you were going to test the application 
performance on zLinux, what will you do?  Install Linux on LPAR directly? 
 Best Regards
Anson Y 

发件人: Rob van der Heij <>
发送日期: 2010/4/13 (周二) 3:55:17 下午
主 题: Re: RE: LINUX on IFL

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Anson <> wrote:

> There are爉any爂eneral CPs and one IFL in this zVM LPAR.牋Many zLinux guests
> machines爎unning on this zVM.燱e hope to use this IFL dedicate to one zLinux
> for performance testing reason while other zLinux guests still share the
> remaining general CP resource.

When those other Linux guests are not defined to use the IFL, they
will continue to use the CPs.

I don't think we've ever dedicated CPUs for performance measurements.
The entire motivation for running Linux on z/VM is to share the
resources, so to me measuring the use of dedicated resources is not
interesting. The performance monitor can distinguish overhead and
virtual machine usage.



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