>/* Sample DIAGD4 EXEC */
>Use DIAG D4 to change spool ownerid to original owner.
> */
>/*  Do a QUERY RDR to find OWNERID  */
>ownerid = Left(ownerid,8)      /* Who sent us spool file */
>target  = Left(Userid(),8)     /* Machine name this EXEC is running in */
>Address Command 'DIAGD4' target ownerid
>If Rc /= 0 Then Say 'DIAGD4 had a return code =' Rc
>>Are you able to change the origin user ID within the spool file
>>updated with Diag D4?

Has the use of DIAGD4 resolved the situation?  Is the correct origin
user ID passed on the P control file record?  Does the daemon find
this and authenticate properly?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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