On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Mrohs, Ray <ray.mr...@usdoj.gov> wrote:
> Very good. I'll pass these caveats along to the z/OS group. What are the 
> consequences of keeping the Linux volumes online to z/OS, for example on a 
> system that runs FDR disk level backups?

This risk is that that Linux system administrator (or anyone with root
access) might label a disk with the volser that makes z/OS think that
it's one of his own (deliberately or not). Most likely it would "just"
break z/OS at next IPL. But it would be interesting if you could make
z/OS think the RACF database is elsewhere... or whatever.

You can certainly tighten things on the IOCP level, but many
installations keep that flexible in case they need to move some DASD
space around. When you share DASD between test and production z/OS,
the storage management group would manage that entire pool and others
would not be involved with assigning volsers.


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