On 8/27/10 1:38 PM, "Alan Altmark" <alan_altm...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> But I could imagine something like this in SYSTEM CONFIG:
> CP_Owned Slot 1 6X0RES ID 2105.000.IBM.13.3737504EE.0D0A
> CP_owned Slot 2 6X0TD1 ID 2107.900.IBM.13.29839621A.0D0A
> CP_owned Slot 3 6X0PG1 ID 2107.900.IBM.13.4924295DC.0D0A, (yes, there are
> two IDs for slot 3)
>                           2107.900.IBM.13.0358113AA.0D0A  (..choose in the
> order given)

Meh. Kinda has the same problem that ATM addresses had -- too much detail
stored as context. 
> Hmmm....or....when IPL has finished, CP could write the found UUIDs to the
> warm start area and use those in preference to any other on a subsequent
> IPL.  For PPRC pairs, write both UUIDs and allow either.   If a volume
> with the needed UUID is not available, then (based on configuration) ask
> which RDEV to use a la z/OS, or just take the lowest-numbered one
> available.  In either case, update the UUID in the warm start area.
> hmmmm.....

Much better. 

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