VM Tcp uses the VTAM linemode console support to do linemode telnet (not 
tn3270) support. Do a telnet to your VM system and log in, then do a q names. 
You'll see 

user - TCPIPn

as a 'terminal id'.

At the time that code was written, I don't think LDEVs did line mode and there 
was a requirement to support plain telnet so they grabbed the SNA console 
support which did, thus the VSM indicator.

It's handy for doing system automation stuff - much easier to drive from 
Programs than LDEVs.

On Sep 15, 2010, at 6:40 PM, "Scott Rohling" <scott.rohl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just wondering if anyone else sees the value in finding "VSM     - TCPIP" as 
> an entry when doing a 'CP QUERY NAMES'.   This is described as being the 
> users of the VTAM service machine ...   As someone who often writes system 
> utilities which do a QUERY NAMES to find the active users - this is always 
> something I have to code around.  I know there are still SNA users out there, 
> but have always wondered if it's still relevant or even consistent to list it 
> under QUERY NAMES (rather than say, a QUERY VSM cmd)?    Always interested in 
> learning from other listers...  I'm sure I'm missing something that pulls it 
> all together.
> Scott Rohling

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