As we have 9 different VM systems with varying degrees of criticality - 
here is what we do :-

1.      We have a 2nd level 6 pack build system. Disks are 3338 cyl 
minidisks (starting at real cyl 1) with the distribution labels. A new set 
for each VM release.

2.      If we are about to do a major maintenance, we shut down the build 
system and back it up (physically)

3.      We apply all maintenance to the build system and do the PUT2PROD 
here as well. We have 2 other vendor products that have to be built with 
CP that are applied here.

4.      When we are happy with our build system then we migrate the 
updated levels to our production systems component at a time. To help with 
this we have an ISLINK between our build system and the production 

5.      First we do CP by putting the new CPLOAD module on the CF1 disks 
and doing a safe rename so we can easily fall back to the previous.

6.      Next we migrate CMS by copying the build system CMS disks to 
alternate CMS disks on production, switching the addresses and loading the 
new NSS

7.      After that we migrate each of the other components by migrating 
the minidisks to alternate addresses and switching them.

Clearly, while that is the principal, there is a lot more detail than I 
can include in a forum append. 

The big advantage to us is that it is easy to progressively implement and 
test. Naturally, fallback is very quick and simple. 

I am not saying this is best practice or for everyone - but it is a quick, 
simple and safe procedure for our environment.

Colin Allinson
VM Systems Support
Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

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