At the risk of ignoring his assertion about the length of this thread, Richard has provided the perfect opening for me to mention Open Object Rexx. :-)

That's the Open Source evolution of IBM Object REXX, supported by a team of developers lead by Rick McGuire (an original developer of IBM OREXX), is freakishly powerful, and currently runs on every major platform (32/64-bit Windows, Mac, UNIX/Linux, looking into Android) -- except z/VM and Z/OS.

Believe me, it's not for lack of desire, interest, or love of CMS. We simply don't have access to the necessary resources (hardware and wetware) in order to effect a proper port of the (predominately C/C++) code.

If you would be interested in contributing in some way to the effort to port ooRexx to IBM's Flagship Operating System (and/or z/OS ;-) please go to the ooRexx website and contact the Project Manager, David Ashley.

You may find you don't need PL/I as much as you think... :-)


On 12/17/10 03:30 Richard Troth said:
This thread has gone on too long. If you want tools for CMS, make a biz case or make the tools. We should leverage open source. We should take advantage of things IBM *is* developing, such as the BFS resident critters. ALL of the programs I have compiled on USS have dropped right in to OpenVM. (one man's experience; YMMV; actual mileage will probably be less)

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