Good catch, Ed! 

I suspect that somewhere along the line Tom did something like DDR the 
sysres to a new volume, and then re-labeled it.
In doing so, at some point perhaps the allocation map was wiped out, and 
was then manually re-allocated.

Tom... if this is actually a new sysres and not your production sysres, 
try running SALIPL to re-write the StandAlone Program Loader (SAPL).

Or, being lazy like me, run the MKSALIPL EXEC pasted below my signature.

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************
 * Exec Name     - MKSALIPL EXEC                                    *
 * Unit Support  - OSS/VM                                           *
 * Status        - Version 1, Release 1.0                           *

   address 'COMMAND'
   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .
   parse upper arg parms 1 operands '(' options ')' parmrest

   Signal ON Syntax
   Signal ON NoValue
/* Signal ON ERROR */

   hi='1DE8'x                               /* 3270 Hilite Char     */
   lo='1D60'x                               /* 3270 Default Char    */
   parse var operands writevdev minivol volid errs
   If writevdev='?' then Signal Explain
   If errs<>'' then
        say xfn'; Invalid operands found: "'errs'".'
        Call Exit 20

   If writevdev='' then
      writevdev='0F00'  /* Where to write SALIPL                    */
   extent=1             /* Which CP-fmt'd "PARM" extent from which  */
   If minivol='' then   /* Mdisk label at "extent" (e.g. vdev=CF1,  */
      minivol='NOVERIFY'/* label="MNTCF1") should be checked first. */
                        /* the "CPLOAD MODULE" should be loaded     */
   module='CPLOAD'      /* Default=CPLOAD, CP nucleus module to load*/
   offset=0             /* Default=0, must be 0 if "extent" is given*/
   origin=1000          /* Default=1000, address at which SALIPL    */
                        /* should load the "module".                */
   If volid='' then     /* Mdisk or CP label to be checked before   */
      volid='NOVERIFY'  /* write.                                   */

   iplparms=''          /* Typically entered at IPL time            */

   /* Exactly 4 lines of comments, truncated at 80 bytes            */
  c.1='Some possible IPL PARAMETERS section (above) entries:'
  c.2='CONS=ccuu          PROMPT                <--- Used most often'
  c.3='NOEXITS            FN=system             FT=config'
  c.4='PDNUM=ParmDiskNum  PDVOL=ParmDiskVolser  PDOFF=ParmDiskcylOffset'

   cmd='SALIPL' writevdev '(EXTENT' extent 'MINIVOL' minivol ,
       'MODULE' module 'ORIGIN' origin 'VOLID' volid ,
       'COMMENTS' comments
   Do forever
      say hi
      say 'The following command is about to be executed'
      say lo
      say cmd
      say 'stacked Comments:'
     'PIPE STEM c. | CONS'
      If minivol='NOVERIFY'
         then say 'Minidisk extent' extent '(e.g. MAINTs CF1) WILL' ,
                  'NOT have its volser verified.'
         else say 'Minidisk extent' extent '(e.g. MAINTs CF1) WILL' ,
                  'be verified as:' minivol
      If volid='NOVERIFY'
         then say 'The virtual device at "'writevdev'" WILL' ,
                  'NOT be verified.'
         else say 'The virtual device at "'writevdev'" WILL' ,
                  'be verified as:' volid
      say hi
      say 'Continue? Enter Yes or No'
      say lo
      parse upper pull ans .
      If abbrev('YES',ans,1) then Leave /* Forever */
      If ans='NO' | ans='N' then
           say 'Aborting before writing SALIPL per reply:' ans
           Call Exit 32
      say '+++ Invalid reply:' ans
   End /* forever */
Call Exit rc

say xfn 'is used to write SALIPL to the a given address (usually a'
say 'full-pack extent minidisk.'
say '            +-0F00-+--+-NOVERIFY-+  +-NOVERIFY-+    '
say '>-MKSALIPL--+-vdev-+--+-minivol--+--+-volid----+--><'
say 'Example: MKSALIPL 123 MNTCF1 510RES'
Call Exit 4
/*                   Sub-Routines below this point                  */

   parse arg exitrc .
   If verify(exitrc,'-0123456789')=0 then Exit exitrc
                                     else Exit 999999

   say '+++ Syntax error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
Call Exit 20

   say '+++ NoValue error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
Call Exit 24

/* Epilog ***********************************************************
 * Function      - See 'EXPLAIN' subrtn above.                      *
 * Component of  - VM Sysprogs toolbox                              *
 * Command format- See 'Explain; subrtn above.                      *
 * Called by     - VM sysprogs                                      *
 * Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         *
 * Date Written  - 20001117                                         *
 * Author        - Michael R. Walter                                *
 * Acknowledgments-Based upon code the to the VMESA-L listserv      *
 *                 Thu, 31 Aug 2000 13:35:14 -0500                  *
 *                 "Frank M. Ramaekers Jr." <>*
 * Changed | By  | Description of Change                            *
 * --------+-----+------------------------------------------------- *
 * 20060101  mrw - Add 'volid' operands, improve 'Explain'.         *
 *                                                                  *

"Edward M Martin" <> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
01/19/2011 11:06 AM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: Wait code 000a00000000000f

Hello Tom,
Very interesting.  From a Google search, it would seem that
The code 000A00000000000F means that the IPL text could not be found.
But this is referencing Linux.
Ed Martin
Aultman Health Foundation
ext 35050
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Tom Huegel
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: Wait code 000a00000000000f
This is the entire message.. It happens before there are any console 
messages to indicate z/VM is even starting..
Central processor (CP) 0 in partition TPFTVM, entered disabled wait state. 

The disabled wait program status word (PSW) is 000a00000000000f. 
Central storage bytes 0-7 are: 000a00000000000f. 
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:46 AM, George Henke/NYLIC <> wrote:
Is not the wait state code sometimes the SVC number it is running at the 
time which in this case would be the ERREXCP SVC 15? 

Tom Huegel <> 
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 
01/19/2011 11:37 AM 

Please respond to


Re: Wait code 000a00000000000f

Mike, I found the same description you did '000A' is ESA/390 mode but 
nothing matching the '0000f''. 
This is z/VM 5.4 with RSU 1003. I am IPLing native (LPAR) on a z9. 
I have other systems running the same level z/VM without any problem.. 
I am sure it is something I have done. It would be nice if the message was 
documented, so I would know where to look. 
It is not urgent today I have backups so I am running now. 
I need it to work by the time the z196 comes online in a couple of weeks. 
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Mike Walter <> 
I *do* have the z/VM CP Messages and Codes 5.4.0 manual handy.

Page 149 explains the "000A" as a machine running in ESA/390 mode.
But there is no corresponding HCP015W, or HCP00FW message (the latter of
which, with a hex value, would start a whole new thread).

Can you tell us more about _what_ you are IPLing?  Is it CP on 1st level,
CP on 2nd level, CMS, or some utility program - on what size virtual
machine, in what mode (provide output from CP Query SET).  That info might
help point someone in the right direction.

Also, what's the proper level of urgency?  :-)

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

"Rich Greenberg" <>

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
01/19/2011 10:05 AM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: Wait code 000a00000000000f 

On: Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 07:59:23AM -0800,Tom Huegel Wrote:

} Does anyone have a clue as to what this hard wait code is? ..
} 000a00000000000f.
} I can't find this one in the messages and codes book?
} It is probably a configuration error of some type.
} It happens at IPL.
} And yes I did make  many changes..

I don't have a messages and codes book handy, but forget the "a" and
look for CP wait state 15 (x'f').

Rich Greenberg  Sarasota, FL, USA richgr atsign  + 1 941 378
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since
Canines: Val, Red, Shasta, Zero & Casey (At the bridge) Owner:Chinook-L
Canines: Red & Cinnar (Siberians)  Retired at the beach  Asst

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