I stand corrected :-)

From:   Mark Post <mp...@novell.com>
Date:   04/01/2011 04:31 PM
Subject:        Re: z/VM and Linux
Sent by:        The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

>>> On 4/1/2011 at 03:41 PM, Michael Forte <mjfo...@us.ibm.com> wrote: 
> Right, but unless I'm mistaken, z/VM workload is GP only.

That hasn't been true for years, unless you're talking about "traditional 
CMS-based" workloads.  In which case you may not be able to license all 
the IBM software you want on the IFL without going through the special bid 

> The Linux 
> workload is IFL only (or should be).

That has never been true, except for the "should be" part.  Linux doesn't 
care, just your CFO.

> No charge for IFL workload but there 
> would be a minimal charge for the underlying z/VM processing (storage, 
> memory, shared resources...)?

Not sure what you're saying here.  IFLs don't add to the z/OS MSU-based 
software charges.  You still have to pay for any z/VM licenses and/or 
Linux subscriptions that you will be running on those IFLs.

Mark Post

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