Hmmm..   some questions then:

-  Are the z/VM and TCPIP levels all the same?
-  Are the OSA's attached to TCPIP the same way (DEDICATE in directory, via
a DTCPARMS, or?)
-  Are the OSA cards the same..  defined the same?
-  Any NICDEF's defined to TCPIP on this LPAR? (though I would think it
would show as a different OSA <shrug>)
-  Could a different ports be being used on the same OSA?

You've likely thought of this stuff already - just thinking of stuff I would
check.   Can't think of any reason offhand.  Well - maybe one:  does TCPIP
on this LPAR have 2 virtual CPU's defined?   Seems like the number of CPU's
can influence, but I'm probably thinking of accounting records..

Scott Rohling

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Berry van Sleeuwen <> wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Yes, the records are identical. After a SORT UNIQUE the duplicate records
> are discarded. The only thing that is not identical is the TOD field. The
> second (and third) record are produced a few miliseconds after the first.
> When I discard the miliseconds the records themselves are truly identical.
> That leads me to believe that these are seperatly created records.
> The record produced by the TCPIP stack contains data from the OSA device,
> we are interested in the number of bytes in and out for the device during
> the minute interval.
> As I understand it there is a buffer for each device. So the OSA devices
> each have a record and the CTC devices also have a record. And indeed that
> is what we get on other LPARs. Only on this particular LPAR we have more
> than one record. And only for the OSA's, not for the CTC's.
> Regards, Berry.
> Op 09-06-11 16:51, Scott Rohling schreef:
>> Just poking around found this description of the monitor record:
>> DESCRIPTIVE NAME - Monitor Sample Record
>>                     Domain 10 - Appldata domain
>>                     Record 2  - Application Data Sample Record
>>  DESCRIPTION - Application data as found in the application-defined
>>                buffer at the time of this sample interval. A
>>                separate record is generated for each buffer
>>                declared by the virtual machine(s) via the Diagnose
>>                'DC' START operation.
>> Seems to imply a separate record is generated for each buffer declared..
>>  I'm not sure what the application data sample is in this case.  Are the
>> records truly duplicates?  (the whole record is absolutely identical,
>> displayable chars or not)   Perhaps the application data needs to be
>> appended to come up with the entire field?
>> Scott Rohling
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Berry van Sleeuwen <
>> <>> wrote:
>>    Hi listers,
>>    I am looking at processing the userrecords in the CP MONITOR for
>>    the TCPIP
>>    stacks. These are in CP MONITOR domain 0A record 02. The data is
>>    collected
>>    though a STARMON stage, basically "PIPE STARMON | locate
>>    <selection> | >
>>    fielid".
>>    Most LPARs have records like I'd expect them but I have found that
>>    in one
>>    LPAR we have duplicate records for subrecordtype 05 for each of
>>    the the OSA
>>    devices.
>>    The CTC's for VSE systems have one record per minute for each VSE
>>    system.
>>    The OSA links have 2 identical records (apart from a slight
>>    difference in
>>    timestamp, a few miliseconds apart). A second IP stack even writes
>>    3 records
>>    for every minute.
>>    So basically we see:
>>    00:01 VSE1
>>    00:01 VSE2
>>    00:01 OSA1
>>    00:01 OSA2
>>    00:01 OSA1
>>    00:01 OSA2
>>    00:02 ...
>>    What can cause the CP monitor to have these duplicate records?
>>    TIA, Berry.

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