I'm having a brain check.

I've enabled REXEC which is working well.
And I thing I enabled the server machines RXAGENT1 and RXAGENT2.

How I read the documentation, both these agent machines should fire up when the 
REXECD server is started.
My agent machines don't automatically start.
And when I try to send a command to the guest server, I get back a message 
about an agent server not being available.

My DTCPARMs seem to be correct:

:Nick.RXAGENT1   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent  
:Nick.RXAGENT2   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent  
I don't see anything in the TCPIP configuration file about the RXAGENTx 

Just what am I missing?

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting
(Sorry officer.  I just thought you wanted to race....)

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