I only have two of them, SYSTEM and IBM.  I'm updating SYSTEM.
It is on the D drive for user REXECD which is above the E drive where the IBM 

But that got me looking at the IBM on.
That set of parms are different then what is on the SYSTEM on.

The subset of the IBM one is:

:nick.REXECD    :type.server  :class.rexec                     
:nick.RXAGENT1  :type.server  :class.rexec_agent   :for.REXECD 

.* Remote Execution (REXEC) and Remote Shell (RSH) daemon                   
:nick.rexec   :type.class                                                   
              :name.Remote Execution daemon                                 

.* Anonymous Remote Execution (REXEC) and Remote Shell (RSH) agents     
              :name.Anonymous Remote Execution agent                    

My SYSTEM one only has:

:Nick.RXAGENT1   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent   
:Nick.RXAGENT2   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent   

Looking at the output from debug, it sure looks like I'm picking up the IBM 
But based on other items in my SYSTEM DTCPARMS file, I know that it is, being 

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Scott Rohling <scott.rohl...@gmail.com> 7/15/2011 4:52 PM >>>
Which DTCPARMS are you updating?    Is a 'lower level' one perhaps
overriding?    The order is userid, nodeid, SYSTEM, and lastly IBM DTCPARMS
which should not be touched.

Scott Rohling

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Tom Duerbusch

> OK, got it.
> 'Access 198 D'
> 'Access 591 E'
> 'Access 592 F'
> TCPRUN Level = 520
> TIME IS 15:55:07 CDT FRIDAY 07/15/11
> CONNECT= 00:14:44 VIRTCPU= 000:00.27 TOTCPU= 000:00.35
> z/VM Version 5 Release 2.0, service level 0602 (64-bit)
> Generated at 09/18/06 18:39:52 CDT
> IPL at 08/08/10 16:51:42 CDT
> IPLSYS=CMS      DEVNUM=00016
> CMS Level 22, Service Level 602
> --------------------------------------------------
> +++ GetInternetData
>  $TCPhost        = STLMP11
>  $TCPstack       = TCPIP
> DTCRUN1022I Console log will be sent to default owner ID: TCPMAINT
> +++ Lookup_Details.IN
>  How             = BYUSER
>  Search_Value    =
> +++ Namesearch:
>  Target          = :NICK REXECD :TYPE SERVER
>  NFopts          =
>  $SearchResults. = @NICK REXECD
>                    @TYPE SERVER
>                    @CLASS REXEC
> +++ Lookup_Details.IN
>  How             = BYCLASS
>  Search_Value    = REXEC
> +++ Namesearch:
>  Target          = :NICK REXEC :TYPE CLASS
>  NFopts          =
>  $SearchResults. = @NICK REXEC
>                    @TYPE CLASS
>                    @NAME Remote Execution daemon
>                    @COMMAND REXECD
>                    @RUNTIME C
>                    @ANONYMOUS NO
>                    @ESM_ENABLE NO
>                    @ESM_VALIDATE RPIVAL
>                    @ESM_RACROUTE RPIUCMS
> +++ Lookup_Details.OUT
> +++ Lookup_Details.OUT
> +++ Query_Write
>  @Diskwarn       = NO
>  pctneed         = NO
>  fm              =
> DTCRUN1021R To cancel Remote Execution daemon startup, type any non-blan
>            character and press ENTER. To continue startup, just press E
> DTCRUN1011I Server started at 15:55:08 on 15 Jul 2011 (Friday)
> DTCRUN1011I Running "REXECD"
> OK, now I see the problem  "@ANONYMOUS NO ", so back to the DTCPARMS:
> :nick.REXECD
>  :Parms.
>  :Anonymous.yes
>  :ESM_Enable.
>  :ESM_Validate.
> :Nick.RXAGENT1   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent
>   :For.REXECD
> :Nick.RXAGENT2   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent
>   :For.REXECD
> What is wrong with my :Anonymous.yes?
> Tom Duerbusch
> THD Consulting
> >>> Alan Altmark <alan_altm...@us.ibm.com> 7/15/2011 3:45 PM >>>
> On Friday, 07/15/2011 at 04:42 EDT, Tom Duerbusch
> <duerbus...@stlouiscity.com> wrote:
> > This is what I get with debug on:
> >
> > rexec -d -l guest -p guest cp ind
> > REXEC Level 520, Internal version id MT04091
> > parms is -d -l guest -p guest ind
> Not seeing TCPRUN output created by (DEBUG option on TCPRUN.  Looking for
> REXECD initialization.
> Alan Altmark
> Senior Managing z/VM and Linux Consultant
> IBM System Lab Services and Training
> ibm.com/systems/services/labservices
> office: 607.429.3323
> mobile; 607.321.7556
> alan_altm...@us.ibm.com 
> IBM Endicott

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