Let me echo Dave's remarks. As you may perhaps recall, I asked a while back if an old geezer who retired over twenty years ago could attend. The answer was yes, so I went.

I knew that the technical sessions would be over my head because much of the stuff didn't even exist when I was working. But in my working days I had attended many workshops and SHARE sessions, so I knew that much of the valuable stuff happened between session, at meals, in evening bull sessions, etc. So I went primarily to socialize.

I had an absolutely wonderful, if exhausting, time there. I was excited to see people I had known in the past but also to meet younger people whom I did not know including folks from Endicott, where we live.

You better believe I plan to go to the next one. I just hope my health holds up....

The original concept of the workshops was to provide a forum for people whose employers would not send them to SHARE. The idea was to try to keep the cost down so folks could afford to pay their own way.

By attending SHARE and workshops I was able to meet and become friends with a whole lot of people. And I communicated with these people between meetings. It would be even easier to keep in touch now with the internet, which wasn't available then.

If you have not had the opportunity to attend user group meetings before, you would be wise to do so whenever you have the opportunity. The knowledge and friendships I gained made my career.

Kent "Mongo" Taylor

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Boyes" <dbo...@sinenomine.net>
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 6:08 PM
Subject: VM Workshop -- was fantastic!

For those of you who didn't make it.... you missed a great time. Great food, interesting people, a lot of hallway "what if we did this?" conversations, and general good fun all around. Best $100 I've spent all year.

We're going to do it again next year, site TBD, but definitely gonna happen. Put it on your calendars for sometime in June 2012.

-- db

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