good idea , before Dan slaps our hands  ;-)

we should move these discussions to :

thanx David 


From:   David Boyes <>
Date:   08/02/2011 02:44 PM
Subject:        Re: VM Workshop -- was fantastic!
Sent by:        The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

University of Wisconsin would be a good choice for next year... Strong VM 
ties (TCP/IP) there too.
Madison is one of my favorite places in the US, but it tends to be hard to 
get to cheaply (cheap is a big factor for Workshop). Current discussion 
has University of Kentucky as top candidate, Ohio State again, or 
University of Nebraska, but I?d go to Madison in a heartbeat. Nothing 
fixed in stone yet ? we gotta go out and check it out ?but UK did some 
awesome Workshops in the past.  Those folks know how to throw a party ? 
the BBQ at the last one was legendary. 
In order not to derail this list, I?d strongly encourage anyone who?s 
interested in VM Workshop to sign up for the VMWKSHOP mailing list (at Better yet, volunteer! Gets you free shirt, first shot at 
the beer, fame? well, at least for lots of tech dudes. 8-)

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