You wound me, good sir.

I'm entirely in favor of anything that's good for the ongoing health and happiness of z/VM. Cheers, huzzah, bravissimo, and congratulations to all those involved in a successful workshop! VM has a long-established tradition of being long on "community" while being short on "cliquishness" and I'm delighted to know that the event was a resounding success.

That being said... Absolutely and by all means, do what sensibly needs to be done to maintain awareness and support the program. We're all here because we're interested in All Things z/VM-related. DO please use this forum as one of many possible ways to promote awareness of z/VM-related community events of any sort or scope. Where there are event-specific fora available, please use those alternatives as the place for event-specific discussions of a non-technical nature.

*sigh*  Perhaps next year...  I miss the old workshops.


On 8/2/2011 1:50 PM, Bill Munson wrote:
good idea , before Dan slaps our hands  ;-)

we should move these discussions to :

thanx David


8x< --- snippity snippity snippity ---

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