--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Janice McDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> But its not good to be nasty because then you lose an opportunity 
to attract bees with honey and not vinegar.  and then also I notice:  
sometimes when people start arguing the whole point gets lost behind 
the argument!

-----------------EXACTLY!  If you alienate someone by being rude, 
sarcastic and undermining, then there's VERY LITTLE chance you will 
ever get through to them.  Just like ripping on a particular person 
instead of focusing on explaining WHAT they are doing wrong and how 
it affects the horse.  When you rip on a particular person, you are 
absolutely guaranteeing yourself that you will never reach him or 
her.  It's not productive for anyone's cause, especially the 
> Does anybody on here think dropped, tight nosebands are a good 
thing??  if so, state your case so i can argue with you  sensibly :)
> Janice

-----------------Now that's a good question Janice :-).  I personally 
don't ride in one.  I can't answer if they are good, bad right or 
wrong.  But I can tell you that it prevented Osp from clearly telling 
me that she wasn't comfortable in the single joint snaffle bit that 
we initially rode her in.  We now ride in either a mild ported barrel 
kimberwick or a sidepull, neither with a noseband (unless you call 
the sidepull a noseband).  How's that for an argument :-)~

Dawn Bruin-Slot, northern Michigan
Fuzzy Logic Equine

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